Monday, March 18, 2013

Mah Nishtanah

Third Grade is getting ready to present the Mah Nishtanah to the whole school at our model seder on Tuesday. Here are some pictures of each of the third grade groups preparing their posters for each of the four questions:
Writing the Title

Illustrating the Question

Coloring and decorating

Working so nicely together in groups

Finished product!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pesach- Urchatz, Karpas, Yachatz

Here are some pictures of 3rd grade learning about the "Urchatz", "Karpas" and "Yachatz" steps of the seder:

Dipping a vegetable in salt water to remind us of the tears that the Jewish People cried while they were in slavery

There are many different customs for karpas: Some use a green vegetable like celery or parsley, and some use potatoes or even onions! 

Tasting the Karpas
Reacting to the salty taste of tears!

We break the middle matzah:
We hide the bigger half for the Afikoman and smaller half we put back into the middle so that it can remind us of the slavery while we tell the story of Pesach.
Breaking mini matzah crackers

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Pesach - Kadesh

Third grade is learning all about the Pesach seder and practicing really well so that they can help lead the Seder on Pesach!

Here are some pictures of third grade in action at our model seder table:
Receiving brand new Haggadahs
Personalizing the Haggadahs

Practicing reciting the Kiddush

Leaning to the left while drinking the 1st cup of wine (grape juice)